A funny thing happened on my way to becoming a rich and successful real estate entrepreneur…

It never happened. Yup, I decided to make a detour on the felony expressway, thus burning my career and all subsequent dreams down in a brutal fashion. Which now that I think about it, isn’t that funny at all. Oh well, and so goes life.

Interestingly enough, what started off as a few interesting fun facts I learned over the years, ended up morphing into an uncontrollable monster that could only be contained by eBook format.

This is not some flimsy, thrown-together-in-a-weekend book designed to swindle you out of an email address either. Consider it a resource guide in helping one stay informative (as well as entertained) when coming in contact with the criminal justice system.

Everyday there are travesties and injustices that take place in the world, and sadly, those that are ill prepared suffer the worst of consequences. And when experiencing the criminal justice system at large, one may feel scared, confused, and even angry.

All of these are common feelings when embarking on this journey, but you can do something about it by informing yourself. Mind you, this is not done out of love or fascination for the legal system, but in order to educate yourself by not becoming another sad statistic. Nor to be taken advantage of like some bozo.

Knowledge truly is power. A form of self-power.

This book is dedicated to those that have to exist in a world that is less than forgiving. And having to live in the shadow of your mistakes. Needless to say, it is extremely easy to get overwhelmed and lose yourself. For that I owe.


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Lucky for you, I have made a ton of mistakes, read every forum, book, and blog post on the pertaining subject matter at hand, and what I have compiled is some of the most important information and facts that will help you understand just what lays in store ahead for you my legally challenged friend. Thus preparing you in not becoming another sad statistic… nor some bozo.

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All that is left is to enter your email address in the sign-up box and my free book will immediately be delivered to your inbox.


As well, I will never misuse your email address. I am a normal guy and felon, but still hate spam as much as you do. Nor will I bombard you with unnecessary garbage either, but can only expect an email from me on the occasion when I post new content.

You can also unsubscribe anytime you want, and you will never hear from me again. But I do not think you would want to do that. Thanks for reading!

The Educated Felon