If the great John Lennon were to write about probation/parole, or even just the hardships involved with being a convicted felon, I imagine (no pun intended) it would go a little something like this:

Imagine a world where you are free….

Imagine a world where you screw up.

Imagine a world where freedom has restrictions now…

Imagine a world where you have “one foot in the slammer” at all times….

Imagine a world where you’re looked down upon and are shamed….

Imagine a world where rejection makes up a large portion of your life….

Imagine a world where you must accept this fate….

Imagine a world where nobody very few will give you a chance….

Imagine being (over) qualified for the job but are passed over (again) due to a background check.

Imagine explaining the same thing on different job interviews, and getting the same reaction….

Imagine taking a job that’s beneath you and demeaning….

Imagine being way behind on your bills, yet still working a bazillion hours….

Imagine a world where you get nauseous when you look at your bank account balance….

Imagine a world where you seriously consider robbing a bank…. (I mean seriously).

Imagine a world you cannot see, because you’re not allowed to see it….

Imagine a world where you cannot leave your country county….

Imagine a world where you get used to the feeling of something strapped to your ankle….

Imagine a world where many programs are not available to you because you are you…

Imagine being fed up with the system and it’s politicians yet cannot vote….

Imagine a world where you can’t find a home to live cause they won’t rent to you….

Imagine a world where when you do find a home to live but need a bulletproof vest to get in and out….

Imagine a world where you want to protect your family in that home yet cannot….

Imagine a world where you’re homeless….

Imagine a world where you pay more for everything, because you are you….

Imagine a world where the statistics say it’s very likely you will return to prison within three years….

Imagine a world where the statistics say it’s guaranteed you will return to prison within ten years….

Imagine a world where it’s easy to lose your mind through all the madness….

Imagine a world where you wake up to this every day….

Imagine a world where it is easy to not want to wake up anymore….

Imagine a world where you want to be dead…..

Imagine a world where you’re not allowed an insurance policy to take care of your family when you are dead….

Imagine a world filled with more obstacles and challenges than you could ever imagine….


Just imagine someone says to go live your life, be a productive citizen, and never look back or violate.


(You might say they’re a dreamer)

The Educated Felon

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  1. Wait I’m on day 2 and learning what I can’t do anymore. FoUnd this website and am reading it ALL. SO FAR TODAY IVE LEARNED THAT I NEED TO FIND COMFORT AND SLEEP. NOW IM LEARNING I CANT GET LIFE INSURANCE???? IS THAT TOTALLY TRUE OR SITUATIONAL?

    1. Both. Totally true, but dependent on your situation. There are many things you may be excluded from, as well as having complications obtaining. Life insurance being one of them. You are deemed high-risk, and as a result, will now pay a much higher rate, when you do find a carrier willing to insure you, as many do not want. To boot, there may be a limitation on how much they are willing to put the policy at. Remember this though, everything and anything is still possible and obtainable (even as a felon), you jsut have to be a little more resourceful and follow through on working at getting it. If you need more advice, don’t hesitate to shoot me another message. Thanks for commenting.

  2. That’s our life. It’s unfortunate that it falls on deaf ears and not many will have any kind of sympathy for what the situation somebody with a felony goes through.

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