Tis true, I admit that my writing tends to cater to an element known as the criminal. Not that there’s anything wrong with that (I don’t think), as that is what this site is about. Actually, let me rephrase that statement as I feel I am about to put said foot in my mouth.

Often times I discriminate to those that are not overcoming a criminal background. And that is in large part due to you people (I hate it when people say that, but I want to say it) having a ton of material to choose from in order to help you navigate through life, and us felons having to work with sloppy seconds.

In the case of someone with a felony (and even a misdemeanor), they unfortunately have to be on a mission to find good information that can be somewhat useful. Be that as it may, the books I’m suggesting are some reads that can really assist you in your life regarding what you may be going through, felon or not.

However (and once again), in the case of someone overcoming a criminal background, these books can be extremely useful in giving some direction, as the mind is shrouded with constant feelings of confusion, frustration, hopelessness, and despair. So with that, allow these five books to give you as much clarity as they gave me at certain interval times of my life, to help you stay course on this journey.

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

I was at a point in my life where I was searching for something, anything outside of alcohol or drugs that could help me internally strengthen myself and man did I find it with this. Long before I became a convicted felon, I read this book. It helped me in words that I cannot describe. I would also find myself going back to this and reading it time and again for the inspiration it would give me, no matter what tough situation I found myself in.

I learned about the power of my emotions, and more importantly, why I did the things I did. Nor to allow anyone, or any given circumstance to define my overall happiness or dictate my mood. The book, “Awaken the Giant Within” had helped me greatly. And still does every day.

Stronger, Faster, Smarter: A Guide to Your Most Powerful Body by Ryan Ferguson

After a decade behind bars for a murder he did not commit, Ryan Ferguson learned that strength and confidence are the keys to his survival. And he shares it all with us. This is so much more than “just an exercise book”. I would say it is more of a survival guide, as I loved an excerpt where Ryan said he exercised for sanity, not vanity. You’ll learn to take better care of yourself. Mentally, emotionally, and of course physically.

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

Thoughts become things. You can say this is another self-help book I’m raving about, but just bear in mind it was published in 1903, and what it teaches still holds profound truth today.

Notably, the power of thought and how each man holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into his life. And that by working patiently and intelligently upon his thoughts, he may remake his life and transform his circumstances. The power of this book lies in its simplistic approach to understand, and the author describes it as a book that will help you to help yourself.

Too Fat to Fish by Artie Lange

First, for those that don’t know the lovable, yet troubled sidekick in the glory days of the Howard Stern show, he was also a very funny comedian, and led a very funny and interesting life. Now I say that like he’s passed on, but ironically, he still lives. Second, why comedy and this book in particular you might ask?

Easy, because you have to learn to laugh at things in life. And yourself. And Artie is the master at finding humor in all of that, albeit at his expense. Seldom do I read a book that makes me laugh my ass off, but this one did it.

These are painfully true stories he shares with us as he opens up about his problems with addiction throughout his life and career. All done in his own uncensored way. Never a dull moment when you read this.

Click this link RIGHT HERE if you would like to get this book

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

I know many have heard about this book, with some having already possibly read it. But I still have to throw it out there cause it’s about the most important topic there is: Freedom. And the path to it lies within your mindset on working and investing. Mainly, the huge difference between working for your money and having your money work for you.

There can be a true appreciation for this philosophy, given the unique challenges one is faced within the job market when overcoming a criminal background. The great thing is that this is a simple book to understand, with an uncomplicated approach on how to think and feel about money. A great read for anyone but could be absolutely life altering for someone with a felony.

Like I said, I could’ve just as easily titled this post the five books that every felon must read, but I named it something else due to the universal benefits for almost anyone out there.

The fact of the matter is that we’re all dealing with something in our lives that grip us. Does not matter who you are, as problems do not discriminate. It’s how you overcome them that matters. Hopefully you apply the information and experiences within these books accordingly to reap the benefits.

Educate yourself on your situation, because nobody will do it for you. Stay well and out of trouble.

The Educated Felon

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One Comment

  1. They seem like some good books that I’m willing to take a look at. Already read Rich Dad poor Dad and have got to say it’s life changing.

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