How To Pass A Probation Drug Test For Weed
Okay, now that I got your attention, let us discuss the benefits of a good detox drink. (Great segue into something different, huh?) Don’t worry, give me a minute and I’ll tell you what you came for.
In my illustrious career working in the vitamin & supplement industry, there have been two types of patrons interested in a cleansing product: those looking to improve their health and well-being and those needing to beat a drug test.
- Those looking for a jump start to better health, via a reset for rejuvenating mind and body.
- Those looking to beat a test.
Be that as it may, I never judged, as there’s nothing wrong with the latter (no.2), as you still get all the benefits no.1 would get, plus the added benefit of freedom.
Understanding Probation Drug Testing
Probation drug testing is a crucial aspect of the probation process, ensuring that individuals on probation comply with the terms of their release.
The primary goal of probation drug testing is to monitor an individual’s substance use and prevent relapse. Probation officers use various methods to conduct drug tests, including urine, hair, and blood tests.
These tests can detect the presence of illicit substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, and opioids, as well as prescription medications.
Consequences of Failing a Drug Test
Failing a drug test while on probation can have severe consequences. The consequences of failing a drug test depend on the individual’s probation terms and the type of substance detected. Common consequences of failing a drug test include:
- Probation violation: Failing a drug test can result in a probation violation, which can lead to additional penalties, such as fines, community service, or jail time.
- Increased supervision: An individual who fails a drug test may be subject to increased supervision, including more frequent drug tests and meetings with their probation officer.
- Rehabilitation programs: An individual who fails a drug test may be required to participate in a rehabilitation program to address their substance use issues.
- Jail time: In severe cases, failing a drug test can result in jail time, especially if the individual has a history of substance use or has failed previous drug tests.
It’s essential to note that false positive drug tests can occur, and individuals who believe they have received a false positive result should consult with their probation officer and a medical professional to resolve the issue.
Types of Drug Tests Used by Probation Officers
Probation officers use various types of drug tests to monitor an individual’s substance use. The most common types of drug tests used include:
- Urine tests: These tests detect the presence of illicit substances in an individual’s urine. Urine tests are the most common type of drug test used by probation officers.
- Hair follicle testing: This type of test detects the presence of illicit substances in an individual’s hair. Hair follicle testing can detect substance use over a longer period than urine tests.
- Blood tests: These tests detect the presence of illicit substances in an individual’s blood. Blood tests are less common than urine tests but can provide more accurate results.
- Saliva tests: These tests detect the presence of illicit substances in an individual’s saliva. Saliva tests are less common than urine tests but can provide quick results.
A detox is a cleanse for all practical purposes, ridding the body of all impurities, toxins, and pollutants. This is due in part, to our unhealthy, stressful lifestyles.
What we eat, drink, smoke, snort, shoot, and ingest all contribute. As well as the environments (where) we do it. Positive feedback attributed to a cleanse includes:
- More energy
- Weight loss
- Reduced inflammation
- Healthier hair, skin, and nails
- Better digestion and bowel movements
- Sinus clearing / Fewer headaches
- Better mental clarity / Less brain fog
- Getting a job
- Getting back / Keeping your kid(s)
- Maintaining freedom
- Beating a Probation Drug Test
- Walking out of the Probation Department and Saying Goodbye to the Probation Officer
- Not going to prison and getting raped
With the rise in popularity as a powerful weight loss aid (thanks in part to social media trending and talk shows), one now has unlimited options from which to choose.
Enough so, that choosing the right one has been made into a daunting task, and a bit confusing. You want to choose the one that best fits your needs. FOR YOUR DESIRED OUTCOME.
Just remember, what you are trying to accomplish from this “cleanse” – the ability to be prepared for your monthly probation appointment/any random drug testing that ensues/and any severe consequences (probation violation) that may occur as a result of the failed test administered from your probation officer.
Although I’m a big advocate of fasting and a good detox for overall well-being, I’ve never been a fan of cleansing for more than a day. I know people who have done seven and fourteen days, even one-month cleanses!
Screw that. More power to you, but that just seems like agony to me.
Call me impatient. Call me childish, but I want my detox done fast and now. And for those of you where applicable, you may not be afforded the luxury of taking your time (Probation conditions to test while on probation for random or regular drug testing).
Perhaps you may need to rid your body of impurities right now.
That said, I’ve always had good experiences and feedback with this guy. And even better yet, my customers all had good experiences and feedback. Some would even say that it was enjoyable, due to the desired outcome that was achieved (satisfactory results from being drug tested).
Bear in mind, that the cleansing process is not a particularly enjoyable experience, as it’s not for the weak of heart. It is truly one for the pure savage.
Once again, you’re ridding the body of all the shit (drug use and substance abuse) you’ve put it through, however, you’re doing this all for a purpose (negative drug tests).
Now although it may not taste like an ice-cold Mountain Dew on a hot summer day, THIS WORKS FAST (within hours), IS EFFECTIVE (total body cleanse and successful non-failed drug test), AND THEY EVEN OFFER A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.**Follow the directions and use as directed.

Which brings me to the focus of our article. One of the advantageous things that a detox drink offers, oh by the way, is the ability to help expedite the removal of THC metabolites from the system.
You might ask, why the focus on weed, rather than other substances?
Well, multiple reasons; most drugs will be flushed out of the system within days, however, (unfortunately, for the burners) marijuana will stay in our system the longest.
Up to weeks versus most other substances. Mind you, this is all user-dependent, with such factors as:
- Frequency usage (how often you smoke)
- Potency (how strong of bud)
- Weight & Size (you, not the bud)
- Metabolism
- Water Intake
Despite the legalization of it in states throughout the country (USA), marijuana is still the number one substance tested for and an unfortunate reality for many people looking for employment. And freedom.
The urine test is the most prominent testing method, (more so due to its cost-effectiveness) where the subject is tested for traces of metabolites (byproducts of the drug left afterward in your body).
Just how long those metabolites like to linger in you and hang around is dependent on the factors discussed earlier. But figure anywhere from one day (easy), all the way to one month (the more stubborn body).
By now, you’ve probably heard of the vast array of tips, tricks, and methods out there people employ in order to beat a drug test.
Things such as prosthetic genitals, carrying decoy urine on you, all the way to only availing the middle stream portion of your urine to the tester.

That is fine and good for all practical purposes. But with all due respect, we are not here to teach trickery or chicanery. We are here to feel good, perform well, and get the best possible results from our bodies through means of detoxification.
That said, although I am a firm believer that what people do in the privacy of their home is their business, the stigma and repercussions are still very much out there.
Nothing is foolproof. The only way to not be concerned about failing any test is to abstain (boring huh).
Instead of that, you could always go about it slowly (very tedious) by letting nature take its course. (take a look at my other article on that here).
Gradually increase water intake (you should be drinking close to a gallon a day already) and not partaking in any illicit activities.
Get some fresh air, exercise, and work on your nutrition. Manage your stress levels, and you should be in the clear in a few weeks.
But, what if time was not on your side for random drug tests?
So you refuse to leave anything to chance, all the while being hellbent on living and enjoying your life freely.
Your carefree attitude laughs at any test thrown your way, but the consequences of a failed drug test are no laughing matter. Well, I applaud and admire your determination on how to live. That said, do this…

- Get your hands on a Heaven Sent Omni Purified Extra Strength. Get it here.
- Drink the entire contents of the bottle in one sitting. You’ll want to do it preferably on an empty stomach, and as close to your testing time as it permits (the day of). Refrain from ingesting other stimulants such as coffee, cigarettes, and other drugs, for the duration before testing.
- Continue to drink water, to flush out your system and expel the THC metabolites. Once again, you should already be drinking close to a gallon of water on a day-to-day basis. Mind you, don’t go overboard on drinking too much water (more than what’s recommended), as you’ll get what they call “waterlogged”. Gradually work your way to drinking more water, don’t just do it overnight.
- Urinate at least 3 times before testing, to flush out toxins and expel metabolites.
- Go take the Probation Drug test.
- Pass Probation Drug test.
- Leave the Probation Office, go home, celebrate, and do more drugs.
Wanna know if it works?
Spend a couple of bucks (literally) and get yourself a THC panel test. Test yourself after consuming the product so you have peace of mind. This initial self-test can serve as a baseline, similar to a first drug test during probation.
Does this product assist in beating a probation drug test for weed?
Yes, it does. Nothing is 100% in life, however, this is pretty damn close. There is even a money-back guarantee. Although you probably will not be needing, nor using it. However, be aware of the possibility of a false positive drug test and take steps to dispute it if necessary.
Will I be clean forever after using this if I failed a drug test?
Well, that is dependent on you, however, through the detoxification process, you have a window of time (4-6 hours), where if one is tested, they will not detect THC due to the dulation of the metabolites. While urine tests are common, hair follicle testing can detect drug use over a longer period, up to 90 days.
So how does it taste?
Like dookie. No really, it is a thick, nasty, syrupy texture and taste that would make you think you’re drinking whale guts on a game show. It is awful. But remember, you are not there to sit there and sip on it like a margarita. You are there for results. Clean results that is. Which it delivers.
What is this going to cost?
Prices will vary between online and retail, but the cheapest I could find is here. Not too bad for peace of mind, right?
One note: If you happen to go into a retail vitamin/supplement establishment, DO NOT be the dumbass who walks in asking where’s the cleansers at so I can beat a drug test? Or that you’re “looking for your friend”.
You’ll get your ass kicked out of there fast. Not to mention the awkwardness of it all. Yep, online may be the best and most discreet option.
Let me wrap this up by saying, I’ve sold a ton of cleansers over the years – some good, some crappy, some just eh. Do they work? Well, that depends on which one you get, and for what purpose.
I’ve personally used them to jumpstart my weight loss journey. I’ve also used them to clean myself out and reset a terrible lifestyle that had taken a toll on me.
Stress, frustrations, greasy fast food, gallons of coffee, kratom tea, supplements, and everything else, will contribute to the (substance) abuse of mind and body.
Add to the mix the overindulgence of drugs and alcohol, and the subsequent usefulness of cleansing for lifestyle choices.

No matter what anyone says, nothing is 100% (although this kind of is).
However, I, as well as countless others see the value in a drink that will help minimize those risks and lapses in judgment.
Hey, we’re human. Be smart and leave nothing to chance in respect to our health, work, and freedom. Educate yourself on your situation, because nobody will do it for you. Stay well and out of trouble.
Damn dude, you helping me out to know this and have this up my sleeve.
Love this. Step by step
Well, this will help
Thank you for showing me hpow to pass my test for probation. You are a good man.
Good how to 4 the smokers
you should pass
Weed only
yeah this works for a few hours
I passed. Tastes like poo tho.
Only the wacky tobacki
This was super helpful as a lot of places wouldn’t tell you what/how to do in such detail. Thank u:)
I can pass wit this here
Dude, this is a step by step guide that works. I love you man.
This will allow me to smoke more weed. Yay!
Guaranteed 100
Only the weed
Money back guarantee with omni.
Only weed…Stay away from crack
Yo mommas
He said meth
Only weed.
spot on
This is a life saver.
Thank you Wyatt.
Will this work for meth?
Maybe you should abstain and not take any chances if your freedom is that important.
Debbie downer?
Even though it’s legal you still can get in trouble for it. Why?
Down to a science. Well, this helps a lot. Just for weed tho?
Primarily for weed. All other substances will leave the body rather fast. Do your homework.
What about the whizzinator tho
Is this guaranteed?
Money back guarantee.
No just weed. Done it before.
It worked. I tried this and tested myself after and it worked. FYI, it doesn’t taste as bad as you say. Just sayin. Thank you for your help as I will be using this method in the future when needed.
Will this work for anything?
Thank you for writing a no bullshit article.
Thank you Jesse.