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Time. Is it a friend to you, or an enemy? I guess when it comes to recidivismyou can consider time your frenemy. You never know whether it has good or bad intentions (just like my ex).

When one is an ex-offender, you have a big-ass bullseye you carry on your back at all times, and that’s something you have to live with.

So obviously there’s cause for alarm based on conflicting reports that have come out over the years involving given time frames on how long till an ex-offender will possibly relapse. Put another way….


Now studies have shown that recidivism is significantly reduced if an ex-offender can keep their ass out of trouble (not get re-arrested) the longer that time passes by. It also states that recidivism is reduced when an ex-offender has employment and a stable environment to come home to. I say, no shit Sherlock. Was a survey really necessary to figure that out?

What’s interesting though is the opposing studies of recidivism over time. Most notably, the one-year anniversary marker, as research shows significant drops in the potential of violating when an individual can survive past that point without incident. Oh, but wait! Yet other studies find that the potential for an individual to relapse and violate increases AFTER getting past that one-year anniversary (peaking near the five-year mark).

So who’s right and who’s wrong? Nobody in my opinion. Once again, when you’re an ex-offender, there’s a big-ass bullseye you carry on your back at all times, and that’s something you have to live with.

Check out… Things You Learn as a Convicted Felon

Being a felon is a constant test of wills and restraints. You must exercise self-control at all times, whether it’s one year, month, minute, or even decade. Otherwise, you will erode into what you once were, succumbing to the bullshit, and reverting back to old habits.

As the saying goes, they die hard. Why not let these habits die a quick death then, so that you can live your best quality of life with your family? As time passes, let it serve us, so we grow wiser with age, ultimately helping us make better decisions for our life. Do you want to live free or die hard in a cage?

For more information on breaking the vicious cycle, check out: AVOID RECIDIVISM and LIVE FREE FOREVER Educate yourself on your situation, because nobody will do it for you. Stay well and out of trouble.

-The Educated Felon

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